Kierán Cox from the NSAI (National Standards Authority Ireland) delivered a seminar on standards and their role in product design and market making. Key terms: metrology, standardization, conformity, assessment. 
Where do standards fit within the EU Single Market strategy? A standard specifies: how a product should be made (fundamental standard); what materials can be used; functionality, performance, structure; test criteria (test methods); guidance and good practice (management system standards).
While 'standards' do not necessarily mean universal the best examples of the success of standards is when they become universal. Uniformity enables best performance and makes cost savings across manufacture through to usage, expands the size and value of markets through standardised interoperability or compatibility between devices/systems/etc. There is a tension between a standard versus standardisation. Standards may become a technical barrier to trade, yet standards confer benefits to consumers.
RAPEX is the EU rapid alert system to prevent or restrict the marketing or use of products posing a serious risk to the health and saftey of consumers.
ISO 9001:2015 standard for quality management systems
ISO 27001:2013 information security management systems
ISO 14001:2015 standard for environmental management
ISO 2600 social responsibility guidance

Session 10 Reading for Discussion
Reading: Kelly, S. & Noonan, C. (2008) Anxiety and psychological security in offshoring relationships: the role and development of trust as emotional commitment. Journal of Information Technology, 23, 232–248.
Article analysis
Thumbnail story of the case (not the theory or discussion or literature)
The situation is... yes and...
From pp 244-245 (discussion and conclusions) Highlight the contribution of this article
From pp 237-244 (research approach) 
Highlight the key insight (quote) - and a backup key quote (or more).

Session 10 Case: Celtic Tiger, Chinese Dragon
The concepts in play - negotiated culture, professional culture, corporate culture, national culture.
Hofstedian cross-cultural comparison tool : (link and link) for comparisons of aggregate scores of national (country level) characteristics.