A reminder that the next three sessions allocate time to a narrow selection of papers from the reading list and to three cases (one each week) to be read in advance, work on and discuss in class. If time allows we will also work on the term paper.

Tuesday 27th March as follows:

Session 8 Case: Core Banking
Knowledge gaps?
Personal knowledge gaps - leading to new knowledge (self-learning)
"Things I know" - representations, framing, devices and theories?
  • Country attractiveness
  • Sourcing models
  • Decision models
  • Supplier perspective
  • Capabilities and strategies
  • The client perspective
  • Knowledge management
  • Outsourcing lifecycle
  • Global, distributed, teams: strategies, techniques, tools, attitude, beliefs
  • Issues on the horizon
  • Power, ethics
  • Activities, practices, processes, structures
  • Actors, relationships, network
  • Communication, coordination, collaboration
  • Subject, object(ive) or outcome, division of labour, community, rules (history), tools
  • Problems, prescription
Q: You need to hire me because...
- my job title should be...
Q: I am excited by this opportunity because...

Session 8 Reading for Discussion
Rottman, J. (2008) Successful knowledge transfer within offshore supplier networks: a case study exploring social capital in strategic alliances. Journal of Information Technology, 23, 31–43.
Prompts for discussion:
If you were to highlight 'one key sentence' to quote, which would it be? Page #, paragraph.
Highlight one sentence that states the contribution of the paper (but it cannot come from the abstract)? Page #, paragraph.
- this exercise sets you up for citing the article appropriately.

Give the class a thumbnail sketch of the case...
What is the story of the case?
Round robin contributions from groups in class
- use improv theatre technique "Yes, and... (link)"

Variation: do the "...yes, and..." exercise with eyes closed. Tap the next speaker on the shoulder. 
- this exercise encourages active listening for story telling.