Questions for places and about data
  1. What country/region and why is it interesting?
  2. Why is my <country/region> an important location?
  3. Why makes this <country/region> a good destination?
  4. What criteria make a <country/region> attractive?

What Factors? (01)
What Factors? (02)

Looking for primary empirical data sources 
  1. Locate the <country/state/region/city> statistical office? 
  2. Who provides data on the level of ITO or BPO activity in <country/state/region/city>? 
  3. Are organisations for Impact Sourcing operating in <country/state/region/city>? 
  4. What scholarly reports address Impact Sourcing in <country/state/region/city>?
  5. Find county data for Unemployment rates 1997-2017